Lenten Retreat 2025
Theme - "Emotions in the Bible"
- Cain’s Envy: Examining the destructive nature of jealousy and its consequences.
- David’s Lust: Discussing the complexities of desire and the importance of maintaining integrity.
- Jesus’ Anger: Exploring instances of righteous anger and our call to confront injustice.
- Jesus’ Compassion: Highlighting the transformative power of empathy and love in our interactions.
- Pharisaic Pride: Analyzing the dangers of arrogance and fostering humility before God.
- Thief’s Hope: Contemplating themes of redemption and the ever-present possibility of grace.
- Zacchaeus’ Happiness: Celebrating transformation and the joy of acceptance.
These talks will encourage participants to engage in prayer and reflection, deepening their understanding of the emotional narratives in the Bible and their relevance to our lives today.