
Our Mission is to seek and find those in need, to help them in a spirit of justice and to tackle the causes of poverty where we can.

We do this:

As Members - in our active membership of local groups, through which we befriend and offer support, within our means, to any person in need.

As A Society - by working together to provide a national, and international network of support; by providing a range of projects which address particular needs for those who are economically disadvantaged and by working together with other Vincentian groups to raise awareness of the level of need and the causes of poverty.  


Members' Meeting

  • Fortnightly on Wednesday, 8pm
  • Monthly visit to our Friends-In-Need (FIN) and provide them assistance with cash and supermarket vouchers
  • Every 1st Sunday of the month buffet lunch for our FIN in Church canteen
  • Monthly tuition at a subsidised rate to our FIN who are weak in studies
  • Monthly visit to St Joseph's Home with other SSVP Conferences in the West District
  • Annual educational awards
  • Biannual activties, eg. mid-year outing and year-end Christmas Celebration

