The Church of the Holy Cross has five choirs, each serving the five weekend Masses. In addition, there is also a Children’s Choir (suitable for children 7 to 15 years old) which sings on the 1st Sunday of every month for the 11:30am Mass, and Caritas Christi Youth choir (suitable for those post-Confirmation up to age 35) which sings on the 1st Saturday of every month for 5pm Mass.
Although each choir has its own identity, we all have a common mission, which is to meaningfully enhance the Liturgy through our service of music. Our members come from all walks of life and spans all ages. You will be surprised to learn that the majority of our members do not read music or play a musical instrument. What we do have is a passion and interest to serve our church. It is through the weekly practices that members learn the hymns and perfect their parts. The final product is coming together to complement the liturgy to set a prayerful environment for worshippers.
The choirs welcome new members all year round. If you have an interest to serve in this ministry, please contact the choir chairpersons from the list below.
- Choir: Caritas Christi Choir (CCC)
Mass: Sat 4:10pm (Every Saturday)
Coordinator: Nicholas Png q - Choir: St. Cecilia Choir
Mass: Sun 7:30am
Coordinator: Patricia Ho (patriciaho@ocbcsec.com) - Choir: Holy Cross Choir
Mass: Sun 9:30am
Coordinator: Winston Chee (holycrosschoir.hcc@gmail.com) - Choir: Via Crucis Choir
Mass: Sun 11:30am
Coordinator: Stamford Low - Choir: Angeli Pacis Choir
Mass: Sun 5:00pm
Coordinator: Millicent Chee (millicentjeanette@gmail.com) - Choir: Holy Cross Children Choir
Mass: Sun 11:30am (Every 1st Sunday)
Coordinator: Chris Wong (wongwingcheong@me.com) - Choir: Chinese Choir
Mass: Sun 6pm (Every Saturday)
Coordinator: Bridgette Lim